“The Rondofile is a fantastic, innovative idea. After using lots of ordinary folders with plastic sleeves, the Rondofile is a joy to use. There is no reflection of light to disturb one’s reading of the music, and it is so easy to make notations as you practise. I play in an amateur local orchestra and a string ensemble and use a Rondofile for each. When rehearsing, we need to make notes very quickly and directly onto the practice-copy page. When rehearsing for performance, we can place all the pages in the right order of performance, and easily remove and re-arrange them for different gigs. The black cover is a good colour as it blends with our black outfits. The binding is especially good, as the folder opens out flat and sits well on the music stand. (Other plastic folders tend to sag to one side after a while, especially if there are many pages.) Also, because each page is a solid, firm plastic, it is easier to turn one page after the other. I am so pleased that a friend showed me her Rondofile. Thank you to Jeanie for despatching the Rondofiles so quickly. Everything was really great.”
Sydney, NSW
April 2016
“I came across your product a few months ago and now have a Rondofile myself. I am an organist and used it to play for the Easter services. It worked very well and was easy to handle in performance as well as easy to set up. Congratulations on a great product.”
Townsville, QLD
April 2016
“Hi Rondofile, I recently purchased two of your files online and am very happy with the product. Just wondering if you sell in any physical stores. People have asked me, because they want to buy your product too! If not, I will direct them straight to your website.”
Melbourne, VIC
March 2016
“All Rondofiles received most promptly – yesterday!
I love the new non-reflective inside plastic.”
Rose Bay, NSW
March 2016
“Thank you for letting me know…... I can assure you i show these to every musician and teacher i meet! I absolutely love these files! I use them for all my personal music performances and am so glad i have the budget now to start using them at school.”
Queens Park, WA
Feb 2016
“Hi guys, Let me preface this with saying that I really do love the rondo file system and it has made a huge difference to, and impact on, my practice as a professional classical guitarist.”
Lyneham, ACT
Feb 2016
“My daughter and I both learn piano (only for a couple of years so early levels) and your folders are perfect for our lessons so the teacher can notate. We also just LOVED the scarves. I will definitely recommend the products to others.”
Mt Waverley, VIC
Feb 2016
“Thank you. Extremely fast delivery - received mid-afternoon same day. Very surprising!”
Sydney, NSW
Feb 2016
“A really practical product for performers and for use in the music classroom - finally you can organise all your public domain music resources from the Internet while still keeping them readily accessible for daily use.”
Warrick Dobbie National Co-ordinator musicteachers.com.au
Jan 2016
“Just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for the order I have just received from you of five musical scarves. They are brilliant! Just what I've always wanted! If you ever sell anything else like this (I've bought heaps of your folders that hold my music too) please let me know - I adore them!
Glen Waverley, VIC
November 2015
“I’m looking forward to using the rondofiles at school. I road-tested the other ones in a big choral concert last Saturday, and they were great. What a relief not having to worry about glare!!”
Edrington, VIC
April 2015
“Hi there I saw your folders at my orchestra rehearsal Tuesday night and they are awesome…. I told my husband, who is head of music at a school and he said if they were as good as I said he would put them on his students' booklists.”
West Footscray, VIC
Feb 2015